presentation. We learned a ton and it was nicely presented.
If you have Kronos Problems Please call Tanya or Bradley in HR
and they will be happy to assist you in all things Kronos.263-5596
Accident forms are located in the boat house on a clip board
in the instructor corner, the Instructor office & in the Lake Lab.
When an accident happens make sure you fill one out asap and turn it in to Tom.
There are $30 off coupons in the instructor office for people
who have taken mini courses and would like to join the club.
Please give them to your students the last day of a mini course.
There is an extra 33 lock in the secret locker should you be doing security and
you cannot find a lock.
Much Love to Jesse Quinn as he leaves our Sailing club after 7 years
to pursue his teaching passion in NYC. Good Luck Jesse. You will be missed.
Ken Jewel was awarded the Funky Monkey this week for sending 2 of his students to the hospital & having 5 of his 6 Tech A students capsize.
"that which does not kill us, only makes us stronger"