Monday, June 21, 2010

June 15th Instructor meeting re-cap & Funky Monkey

A big thanks to Dan Siedlecki for the "Rules of the Road" (Water)
presentation. We learned a ton and it was nicely presented.

If you have Kronos Problems Please call Tanya or Bradley in HR
and they will be happy to assist you in all things Kronos.263-5596

Accident forms are located in the boat house on a clip board
in the instructor corner, the Instructor office & in the Lake Lab.
When an accident happens make sure you fill one out asap and turn it in to Tom.

There are $30 off coupons in the instructor office for people
who have taken mini courses and would like to join the club.
Please give them to your students the last day of a mini course.

There is an extra 33 lock in the secret locker should you be doing security and 
you cannot find a lock.

Much Love to Jesse Quinn as he leaves our Sailing club after 7 years
to pursue his teaching passion in NYC. Good Luck Jesse. You will be missed.

Ken Jewel was awarded the Funky Monkey this week for sending 2 of his students to the hospital & having 5 of his 6 Tech A students capsize.
"that which does not kill us, only makes us stronger"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Instructor meetin re-cap 6-8-2010

Dr. Maureen Rickman was our guest speaker and she addressed 
the concept of fear in students and how we can prepare them
to combat it , conquer it and put themselves in a position to learn.

The three take aways for me are as follows:

1.  Teach Coping, I learned that disaster training or safety training can help a student
     cope with something when it goes wrong. When students know the sequence of what to do
     which helps alleviate fear. The best way to do this is practice, practice, practice.

2. Mastery. If a student faces their fear and knows what to do and has practiced it
    they have mastered the thing that makes them fearful and can move on.

3. Be the frontal lobe. As teachers it is helpful for us to remain calm in the face of
    problems and challenges. Our students take their cues from us and if we remain clam
    and think about solutions in a logical, methodical fashion we will do a better job of
    solving a fearful situation.

Our first Limerick.

There once was an instructor named Blaise
Who, in the face of storms, was unfazed
Whether snow, rain, or hail
He would never not sail
And lived happily to the end of his days.

Margaux received the Funky Monkey this week for being such a great instructor that she was able to teach her student how to sail 2 boats at once. She admitted to tying a bad bowline.

Nick asked his students what was the most exciting experience they had in the club?
Two of his students said "I was when Margaux flipped over the boat during an intro to sailing class" 

Saturday June 19th is Pirate Day. No classes from 12 noon on unless it is a windsurfing class.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 1st Recap of Instructor Meeting.

Amanda  Stone a Graduate Student in Limnology came to speak to us about the hazards of Harmful Algal Blooms and Health. She had a great hand out and was able to answer over a dozen questions
from our staff. Peter Daly asked to most questions and we all came away with a greater understanding of how this can affect every ones health. The big take away is rinse with the hose after swimming and don't swallow any water. Steward ship campaign is underway. We need to be fixing things that break.
Reporting them and see to it that the shop is aware of these items.  I am currently seeking a document that has line specs on most of our fleet. If you see a boat and all it need is a halyard. You can get into the line locker a 33 key will get you in. Check the chart to see what size certain lines are this will allow us to do quick fixes as instructors. When I get the line spec chart i will forward this to you. Part of steward ship is picking up trash. If you see some pick it up. Encourage your students to do so as well. We are the ones who can change the culture and lead by example. When unlocking the boats in the morning PLEASE walk the cable all the way through all of the techs and lay it on the ground
folded together. Then lock to lock to the end of the loop. This will help us keep the cables from getting bound up tightly. Instructor Training weekend is coming together nicely. I need to nail down a few loose end and I will send out an e-mail explaining our goals and schedule shortly. Funky Monkey went to Micah this week for Teaching a Intro to Sailing class with one tech. It was the last one left so he utilized the one resource he had. Little did he know it was missing one of the plugs.
He took two student out to sail 3 times and as he sailed, he took on more water. After his final trip he
realized he had been taking on lots of water and was able to sail back to the pier with out capsizing
the boat. He taught his class, averted disaster & learned to check for plugs always.

Micah teaching a Intro to Sailing class 3 people in a teach with no plugs

Teaching a Intro to Sailing class out of a Tech with 2 students plus himself per boat. Doing so with out one of the pugs in the boat. Not capsizing and discovering the boat had taken on 3oo plus pounds of water AFTER the class was over. His take away... ALWAYS check to make sure plus are in the boat!